Join our learner-centered PLC community where we put students in the driver's seat! Our innovative collaborative inquiry approach empowers students and teacher teams through reflective practices and goal setting fostering a culture of efficacy and agency. We define agency as the capacity of all learners in the system to act purposefully and constructively to direct their own personal and/or professional growth while contributing positively to the growth of their peers.
Join our learner-centered PLC community where we put students in the driver's seat! Our innovative collaborative inquiry approach empowers students and teacher teams through reflective practices and goal setting fostering a culture of efficacy and agency. We define agency as the capacity of all learners in the system to act purposefully and constructively to direct their own personal and/or professional growth while contributing positively to the growth of their peers.
Complete this form to connect with a Core Collaborative learning expert and discuss how Impact Teams can support your school/system.
Complete this form to connect with a Core Collaborative learning expert and discuss how Impact Teams can support your school/system.
Impact Teams is the only PLC Model that truly puts students in the driver’s seat.
Our PLCs are designed to cultivate a learning environment where students take ownership of their educational learning by engaging in self-peer assessment, reflection, and goal setting so students gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement.
Reflection is a cornerstone of our PLCs and for students. Students and teachers analyze evidence collaboratively and take action based on the goals they want to achieve. They reflect on their actions to understand impact. They take action by enacting asset based approaches so students reach their full potential.
Our PLCs are designed to cultivate a learning environment where students take ownership of their educational learning by engaging in self-peer assessment, reflection, and goal setting so students gain a deeper understanding of their strengths and areas for improvement.
Reflection is a cornerstone of our PLCs and for students. Students and teachers analyze evidence collaboratively and take action based on the goals they want to achieve. They reflect on their actions to understand impact. They take action by enacting asset based approaches so students reach their full potential.
Empowerment involves building confidence, setting and achieving personal and team goals, and overcoming obstacles through resourcefulness and resilience. By cultivating a strong sense of self-worth and embracing one’s unique strengths grounded in each learners’ cultural identity, individuals and teams can navigate challenges with courage and determination.
Setting and achieving goals is essential for PLC and learner success. Our Impact Team PLC Model guides educators and students in setting realistic and challenging goals, providing them with the tools and support needed to plan their approach and monitor and celebrate their progress.
Empowerment involves building confidence, setting and achieving personal and team goals, and overcoming obstacles through resourcefulness and resilience. By cultivating a strong sense of self-worth and embracing one’s unique strengths grounded in each learners’ cultural identity, individuals and teams can navigate challenges with courage and determination.
Setting and achieving goals is essential for PLC and learner success. Our Impact Team PLC Model guides educators and students in setting realistic and challenging goals, providing them with the tools and support needed to plan their approach and monitor and celebrate their progress.
Impact Teams use Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) as a powerful framework for building student efficacy by providing quality, targeted, evidence-based tiers of support based on students' academic and behavioral strengths-needs. As students and teachers experience success, their belief in their own abilities strengthens, leading to enhanced engagement and progress across all areas of learning.
Impact Teams use Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) as a powerful framework for building student efficacy by providing quality, targeted, evidence-based tiers of support based on students' academic and behavioral strengths-needs. As students and teachers experience success, their belief in their own abilities strengthens, leading to enhanced engagement and progress across all areas of learning.
Learning Transfer Inquiry, PS 9
Learning Transfer Inquiry Cycle, PS 9
Self-Peer Assessment Inquiry, PS 16
Self-Peer Assessment Inquiry, PS 16
Analysis of Student Work, LTHS Chemistry Team
Analysis of Student Work, LTHS Chemistry Team
Ready to transform your classroom and empower your PLCs? Join our Impact Team Community today and be part of a movement that prioritizes learner efficacy and agency.
Ready to transform your classroom and empower your PLCs? Join our Impact Team Community today and be part of a movement that prioritizes learner efficacy and agency.
“Leading Impact Teams: Building a Culture of Efficacy and Agency, by Bloomberg and Pitchford, combines some of the best innovations from the last decade to ensure a focus on changing the learning lives of students.”
– Professor John Hattie, Melbourne Educational Research Institute
“Leading Impact Teams: Building a Culture of Efficacy and Agency, by Bloomberg and Pitchford, combines some of the best innovations from the last decade to ensure a focus on changing the learning lives of students.”
Professor John Hattie, Melbourne Educational Research Institute